Monday, January 16, 2012

WRITE - Using your senses

This week's challenge to get us started in our WRITE section is to use our senses. Come join the discussion in our FACEBOOK GROUP to see more about what we are talking about and see what else we are working on!

Get out your journal.

(have you gotten your journal yet? Remember, it doesn't need to be anything fancy. Just something you can use for the writing challenges in this group).

And something to write with.

(make sure it can actually WRITE. this is the problem in my house. PENS EVERYWHERE. The ones that actually work? Like the Holy Grail.)

Okay! Ready now? Back to your senses.

Think about your five senses.

I want you to experience your world with all your five senses and write about it. 

Here are some ideas:

Choose something in your life you LIKE. Describe it using your 5 senses.
Why not try it now with something you DISLIKE?
How about a PERSON in your life? How would you describe them in 5 senses?
How about a PLACE from your childhood?
How about your WORKPLACE?

Remember that this sensory project does not have to be literal... when you think of your senses, you might have to reach a little and be creative. Use as many descriptive adjectives as you can. Color, texture, and smilie (using like or as to create a comparison) are great ways to do this.

Here is something I wanted to write about:

I saw red dirt. I saw giant storks. I saw dark faces. I saw orphans. I saw beauty. 
I heard dogs barking in the distance. I heard the laughter of children. I heard the honking of car horns. 
I smelled cow dung. I smelled fresh pineapple. I smelled sewage. I smelled soap. 
I tasted chicken that had been alive an hour earlier. I tasted fried grasshoppers. I tasted jackfruit. 
I felt hopeless. I felt helpless. I felt empowered by God. I felt hopeful. I felt loved.

Another example:

Looks like sunlight piercing through the bedroom window, beckoning me to open my eyes 
Sounds like a herd of rhinoceros passing by as the children chase each other down the hall 
Feels like my down comforter hugging my body, urging me not to let go 
Smells like brewed coffee cutting through the crisp coolness of morning air 
Tastes like toast with peanut butter and honey... or perhaps today it will be French

Remember, some senses will be easier than others! Taste is a hard one when it's not something that can actually be tasted. When talking about a person, you might want to use taste to describe a dinner you had with them that was memorable, or a favorite candy they like, or something similar. I know it will be a challenge for some of you - but that's okay! This is supposed to be a challenge! I want you to stretch yourself creatively! And please, if you are so inclined, share it with us! We would love to read what you are working on. Thanks for your participation!

Will you try this prompt and share it with us in our FACEBOOK GROUP or in the comments here?


  1. I will try this post and will post it on my blog because it is my journal. I love this and with your permission, ;) would like to challenge my students with it!

  2. I would love for you to challenge your students with it!! And I will love for you to share your blog post link! <3
