Saturday, January 14, 2012

READ - what are you currently reading?

We're just getting started over on our FACEBOOK GROUP (click to join us! We'd love to have you!), and our current discussion is what we are reading (or what we have just read), and what our goals for 2012 are.

My goal is 12 books in 2012. One a month. These 12 books are FICTION books that I am reading for pure PLEASURE. I am not counting the nonfiction books, study books, or work literature I am reading in this. These 12 books are ones I have been meaning to read but just haven't gotten around to reading.

The first one on my list? The Uglies.

Anyone out there read it yet? I'd love to hear your opinions (no spoilers though)

How about you? Post in the comments here, or join the discussion on our FACEBOOK GROUP. :)


  1. Not sure of my goal for the year 2012 but I would like to read more and watch less. Trying to finsih a few books right now. I think I will be moving onto The Help. Are you going to read the series that continues after the Uglies, they all sound very good!

  2. Yes! II want to read them all. Reading more and watching less is the first step! Thanks for joining me :)
